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Brooke Jessop

How are Wuthering Heights and The Picture of Dorian Gray’s settings bound up with their Gothic effects?

By Brooke Jessop

Author Biography:

Brooke Jessop is a third year English Literature and History student from West Yorkshire studying at the University of Edinburgh. Her literary interests centre around 19th century Gothic Literature, particularly the uncanny, and the early evolution into Science Fiction. Having grown up in Yorkshire, Brooke is also greatly inspired by the Brönte sisters. 

Read the full essay here:

This essay explores the interlinking of setting in Wuthering Heights and The Picture of Dorian Gray with the Gothic genre, focusing on how the gothic settings of the texts enhance both their emotional and physical landscapes. The essay continues to consider how socio-political factors such as isolation, gender divisions, and fear of 'otherness' are handled using the techniques of Gothic setting and the supernatural. It concludes that Gothic techniques and setting are integral to navigating the characters' psychological states, as well as the wider social environments they belong to.



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